//Critical bug found in the XMRig miner

Critical bug found in the XMRig miner


Critical bug found in the XMRig miner

One of the most popular third-party mining solutions among MinerGate’s users – XMRig – appeared to have a critical bug in its codebase, making the mining of the updated Monero (XMR) within MinerGate XMR mining pool impossible.

UPD: XMRig released the 2.8.3 version of the miner with this unfortunate bug fixed. Many thanks to the developers’ team of XMRig for their rapid response. 

As of XMRig’s GitHub, if users start implementing the domain name containing “minergate.com”, they receive shares on the CryptoNight v7 algorithm, while the Monero blockchain experienced a network and protocol update to CryptoNight v8 earlier today. However, the connection with IP address works properly, as far as the code-mistake is domain-specific.

It is very important for the MinerGate team to maintain good relations with developers of the third-party mining software. We have a high hope that this issue will be fixed shortly. Meanwhile, XMR could be mined using MinerGate xFast Miner with up to 20%* higher hashrate compared to XMRig.

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* based on the internal benchmark for Nvidia GeForce GTX960

Software Engineer interested in the power of the Internet to leverage human activities including Money management, growth and trading.