Hot news:
The summaries of the last one hour are the followings:
Bitcoin is leading the rank on the most popular crypto-currency, it has an upsurge of 0.12% in its exchange rate, which means 6668.000 dollars from the 6660.008 dollars earlier. Tether is in the second position as Bitcoin leads the first spot. A -0.16% fall on its trade value was seen. Now at 1.000 dollars from 1.001 dollars trade value.
The third on the position is Ethereum, this was 60 minutes ago, the original 234.967 dollars currency value increased at 0.4% or 15 dollars now at 235.907 dollars.
In the fourth place is XRP, from its previous exchange value of 0.558 dollars now at 0.563 dollars, this is a 0.85% increase in the last 60 minutes.
Top five on the list is claimed by EOS, it has a standing value of 5.798 dollars, this was after a 0.16% increase in the crypto-exchange market from 5.788dollars.
Sixth place on the most popular currency is Bitcoin Cash, with a 0.03% increase of its value compared to its previous value or 472.697 dollars now 472.839 dollars.
The biggest stock raisings of the last one hour are:
- Vulcano [OLD] – 414.22%: rose from 0.00233 dollars to 0.0120 dollars.
- BBSCoin – 145.24%: increased from 0.000003 dollars to 0.000008 dollars.
- CottonCoin – 127.13%: is standing by 0.0531 dollars after the previous 0.121 dollars rates.
- RefToken – 72.96%: according to the 0.516 dollars from earlier it is going up to 0.892 dollars.
The biggest share falls of the last one hour are:
- Honey – -33.42%: rose from 0.0645 dollars to 0.0429 dollars.
- Clipper Coin – -30.98%: increased from 0.00220 dollars to 0.00152 dollars.
- Altcoin – -30.06%: is standing by 5.899 dollars after the previous 4.126 dollars rates.
- Opus – -24.63%: according to the 0.00885 dollars from earlier it is going up to 0.00667 dollars.
To be continued…
Date: 24. September 2018 08:08 AM (GMT)